I like it but it needs an update! I finished the first 30minutes in a day and I keep replaying the levels and its boring playing it over and over agaib
I like it but it needs an update! I finished the first 30minutes in a day and I keep replaying the levels and its boring playing it over and over agaib
Put in a level designer
A level designer and online user-created levels would be nice
One of the best top ten games in the app store!! Buy it!!!!!!!!!!!
Good job on thiz ap
The app is not downloading :(
Love this game, beat both easy and hard with perfect scores please add more levels
Great! Once I saw a character who looks like someone I know irl. I thought "You gotta do what you gotta do"... ...*headshot* Lol but seriously great game!
The update made it so it dosnt even open fix this and ill change to 5
The title^^^
Got it free but think its worth the $.99. I havent seen anything quite like this game, pretty unique in that you have to cut the rope of a hanging man that has his breath(life)ticking away as you aim your bow & arrow to try and save him. Disturbingly funny I love it...
Arrow goes right through the rope and doesnt even cut sometimes
Crashrs wont open
YOU WILL LOVE THIS GAME,the song rules!!!the game is AWESOME!!buy it now!!!! Hurry before it goes off AppStore !!!!
this is freaken awesome!!!!! you should get it!!!!!!!!
I love this game and I love pie I hate Justin bieber
I love this game but level 21 is hard
I love this game its so fun!! When I got it thats the only game I played on my iPod touch until I beat it I still play it, but they need to come out with an update its a little to short!!
If you guys played games twenty years ago (when every game was hard) youd be balling you eyes out. "its too hard!" Seriously, man up.
Really, my arrows keep going through the rope but not counting